Net Positive Earth

This is the solution you have been waiting for.

Realize that change can only come from new ideas, not from the old ideas that created today’s problems. Your imagination will be challenged by the ideas I have written, and I ask that you think deeply before responding.

It is not the Earth that is inadequate, but humanity. 

And I have refined the cause into a simple axiom.

Life is finite.

Money is infinite.

All profit results from imbalanced equations. 

What is necessary will not be profitable immediately. That is why we are watching the world burn.

The Earth is not being fully utilized. It has been strip-mined and divided up by old men before we were born.

Therefore if you vote for someone who is financially successful, you are voting for someone who has chosen to enrich themselves at the cost of every other human on this planet.

You cannot have ‘the rich’ without creating ‘the poor’. That’s how math works. 

Capitalism is slavery to those bad at math, and a religion to those who think that they are ‘smart and hard working’.

Someone who is successful in 2024 has already chosen the side of money and power. They do not see the homeless on the street as people, but as failures. Failure to play the game, failure to obey the rules.

Let me tell you the truth about our reality.

Money does not create food.

Money does not build houses.

Money does not educate the youth.

Humans do these things. Only by creating a system where humans are rewarded by doing good things will society grow. 

The ‘smart’ thing to do with money is to hoard it, and use it to create more money.

And successful people will say “There is not enough money! We need more taxes! We need more ‘good’ billionaires’.

All of these are lies.

The next question you will ask is “How can I show I work hard if I do not have more money than lazy people?”

I will answer this. But it is not a simple answer.

The problem with money is it has no scientific value or unit. It is a completely abstract object. So abstract, that it is hyperreal. See –

Money is worth more than the gold it can buy. Because money does not exist, it is weightless. It can buy food or sex or a plane ticket, or a rocket to mars. 

Therefore it is impossible to design a complex interacting system that uses Money. Money breaks the math of society and physics itself. 

So we must design a currency that is based in reality. 

This will require *more* work to design, and will probably be forever our duty to maintain balance. But here is what I propose to start – 

1) It must be based in time.  Time is the only true resource – our universe as far was we can observe, is effectively infinite. So gold or physical items will not be balanced. Additionally, physical goods can be hoarded, captured, and game theory’d

2) It must account for the physical energy expenditure of an entire person’s life. That is, society must be able to calculate “What do we need to feed the babies born tomorrow?” accurately by what society is producing. This means that we will be able to say “We need 1 million men to rise up and plant potatoes so we can go to mars”.

3) It must allow for the sick, the homeless, and the old to be cared for. 

4) It must allow for the youth to find their own path, as it is inefficient to force humans to do…anything. 

Forcing humans to do something they do not want to do is a detriment to us all; humans want to work and be productive and fit into society. They must choose to be productive adults

5) it must result in a Net-Positive Earth. Otherwise, the planet will burn.

Men with full bellies and families at home do not start wars. 

Old men divided this planet before I was born and call themselves kings and billionaires and holy men. But they are simply manipulators and deceivers, and they do not feed or shelter us. 

The powerful give themselves lofty credentials and take credit for the work of the most humble humans – Those who work in the mines, the fields, and who do not have time to play games of power.

The powerful are not smarter or more talented than you or I. They simply choose to use their gifts to steal, deceive, and to kill anyone who stands up to them.

They wage war because their authority is what they protect. Their power is what they worship. And their gold is how they keep score. 

We will be successful when every human can join the Human party. We will increase the happiness of humanity by more than double percentage points simply by them reading this message. 

Because if you are inspired to action by these words, then we are more powerful than any billionaire. They can only inspire you because you are hungry, and they have money.

I can inspire you by giving you hope. There is a better future, and you will be a part of it. 

What are the practical, immediate steps that we must take? 

There are three things that will bring peace to this planet.

1) Plant more food. 

2) Build shelters for all humans.

3) Educate freely. 

This will result in what I call “Minecraft in Real Life”. It will be a new age of mankind. We will free ourselves from petty needs due to the abundance of food and shelter. We will explode into the stars and expand our minds, and we will heal this planet. 

If we wanted to end wars, instead of dropping bombs, we can simply drop food and supplies. No one wishes to die. Historically, wars are created due to scarcity, not due to abundance. So we must create until we are all able to eat and sleep and grow safely.

We are only ever 4 years away from solving world hunger. We have the technology. We simply need to plant enough food, and to give it to those who are hungry. It is a question of leadership and will. Not a lack of ability.

It is the only way that humanity can survive.  One man with a space vessel can destroy humanity. That is how delicate of a situation we are in today.

We must create a global identity of humans. We can no longer rely on governments, religion, or physical attributes. We must love humanity and see ourselves as parts of a greater whole.

Like the trillions of cells in the human body, we can have our own lives and resources and still create a beautiful and powerful whole.

All civilizations that ran on capitalism/feudalism/religion are history. 

They say “Some humans are better than others”.  This is not reality. Therefore, they do not stand the test of time. 

Indigenous cultures still exist today that have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. 

Because those cultures do not conquer, they can live forever.

It is the violent ideologies – religion, capitalism, the monarchy – that require human blood to grow. 

By claiming divinity over other men, they create power. To maintain that power, they must wield it.

True peace would end any king, or topple any dictatorship. Rulers require subjects. 

If you cannot feed yourself, you are a slave to what does.

We are all slaves to the society we live in. That is why society pretends to be fair, while we learn at the age of 5 that – life is not fair. 

But how unfair it is requires careful study of history, our society, and what life really means. 

It is a long topic. 

But for now know – As far as science can tell, the universe is a balanced equation. Reality is a truth-seeking mechanism. Reality may be deceiving, but it is incapable of lying.

1a) Raise more animals. Replenish the fish in the sea.

2b) Give land to the youth to build and nurture.

3c) Do not censor the truth. Do not rewrite history. 

This is the sole project of Carlton Mackall. I will work to inspire this vision to come to life, and to design it in a way that it can last for thousands if not millions of years. 

It’s working title is “The Human Party”. And the vision is “Net-Positive Earth.”



p.s “The Aristos: A Self-Portrait in Ideas ” was one of many books that helped focus my efforts in writing.






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